To help former players with economic, medical and employment needs.
Organise and participate in social and charitable events.
Represent the club through Catalonia and Spain.
Social recognition.
In April 1977, Francisco Murio, Javier Marcet, José María Sánchez Rodilla and Vicente Balaguer “Catà”, a group of legendary former RCD Espanyol players, set up the RCD Espanyol Veterans Group.
The first board was made up of Francisco Murio (president), Javier Marcet and Victor Manuel Rivas Javier Marcet (vice-presidents), Manuel Martínez (Secretary), José María Sánchez Rodilla (treasurer) and Jésus Glaria, Alberto Martorell, Alfredo Sanmiguel, Amaro Dauder and Antonio Segarra (spokesmen).
Their first resolution was to name Ricardo Zamora Martínez as an honorary member of the group.
Leading members of the group are ex-players Mauri, Marcet, Soler, Arcas, Parra, Catà, Rivas, Casamitjana, Segarra, Dauder, Rodilla, Bergara, Vera, Argilès, Muñoz, Aguirre, Bartolí, Campos, Crous, Coll, Faura, Cruellas, Egea, Gamis, García Pey, Gatell, Giralt, Glaria, Martínez-Vilaseca, Tejedor, Espada, Colino, Veloy, Selma, Xirao, Lavernia, Orti, Schilt, Rigau, Castaños, Martorell, Abel, Venys, Solé, Prat, Fàbregas, Salas, Florensa, Rovira and Bosch.
Manuel Meler Urchaga, then President of RCD Espanyol, officially recognized the group as a section of the club.
Other presidents of the group have been: Joaquim Tejedor, Anaro Dauder, José Griñán, Josep Manel Casanova, Manuel Meler and Fernando Molinos. The current President is Rafa Marañón, who has held the position since 1997.
The Veterans' Group was founded as a not-for-profit organization to offer help both economically and socially to former players who need it, and is legally registered with the Civil Government under the "Ley de Asociaciones".
Board of Directors
Honourary President
Daniel Sánchez Llibre
Rafael Marañón González
Assistent Vice-President
Jaime Martínez Mercadé
Financial Vice-President
Iñaki Pérez de Arrilucea Tejedor
Social Vice-President
Joan Josep Bertomeu Ferri
Sporting Vice-President
Eloy Pérez García
Antoni Blanch Macián
Ángel Morales Cuerva
- Jordi Lardín Cruz
- Fernando Molinos Granada
- Pedro Patón Montilla
- José Mª Sánchez Rodilla